Employee Discrimination Overall score
Sustainable organizations provide a diverse, discrimination-free workplace.
Performance on discrimination
Does your organization do any of the following to manage discrimination / diversity in the workplace?
(Check all that apply; replace sample data with real organization data)
The organization is a sole proprietorship with no employees.
(If selected, you score 100%. Skip to the next question)
"We do not currently monitor and record workplace discrimination / diversity.
(If selected, delete the sample percentage and skip to the next question.)
We have a published anti-discrimination policy.
We have a published pay equity policy.
We monitor and record diversity statistics.
Approximate percentage of women in senior management positions, including on the board, if you have one
Gender pay ratio
We have set senior management diversity targets (i.e., for executives and the board, if we have one).
We met senior management diversity targets, for the reporting period.
We have a goal of at least 50% women in senior management, regardless of organization growth.
We clearly communicate the anti-discrimination policy to all employees.
The anti-discrimination policy is imbedded in personnel systems, including the hiring and recruitment processes.
Procedures are in place to report breaches of the anti-discrimination policy.
We regularly assess the effectiveness of our anti-discrimination program.