Encroachment Overall score
Facilities and fixed assets that are owned or controlled by sustainable organizations do not encroach on marine or terrestrial ecosystems, or on culturally sensitive areas.
Performance on encroachment
Does your organization do any of the following to avoid marine or terrestrial encroachment, or encroachment on culturally sensitive / heritage areas?
(Check all that apply; replace sample data with real organization data)
None of our facilities are in areas where encroachment is an issue.
(If selected, you score 100%. Skip to the next question)
Some of our facilities are in potential encroachment areas, but we do not currently monitor and record encroachment.
(If selected, delete the sample percentage and skip to the next question.)
We monitor and record our encroachment.
Approximate percentage of facility sites that are in potential encroachment areas, but do not encroach on ecosystems or communities
We have set encroachment reduction targets, relative to a chosen reference/baseline year.
We met encroachment reduction targets, for the reporting period.
We have a science-based goal of zero encroachment, regardless of organization growth.