Employee Health and Wellbeing Overall score
Sustainable organizations provide a safe and healthy workplace. "Health" includes physical, mental and emotional health.
Performance on employee health and safety
Does your organization do any of the following to manage employee health and safety?
(Check all that apply; replace sample data with real organization data)
The organization is a sole proprietorship with no employees.
(If selected, you score 100%. Skip to the next question)
"We do not currently monitor and record workplace health and safety incidents.
(If selected, delete the sample percentage and skip to the next question.)
We monitor and record workplace health and safety issues.
Approximate number of workplace injuries / safety incidents
Approximate number of workplace fatalities
We have set health- and safety-related targets.
We met health- and safety-related targets, for the reporting period.
We have a science-based goal of zero safety incidents and fatalities, regardless of organization growth.
We have policies, practices and programs that support a safe and healthy workplace.
We have policies, practices and programs that support mental wellbeing, including condemnation of workplace bullying and harassment.
We provide paid support for lost time / sick leave.
We have a no-smoking workplace.
We provide good nutrition.
We encourage physical activity in the workplace.