Governance and Management Overall Score
Sustainable organizations embed sustainability considerations in their governance and management systems. They ensure that ESG-related risks and opportunities are duly included in key systems and processes.
Note: ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) is used as a shorthand synonym for ""sustainability"". (Replace sample text and selections below with real information and selections for your organization.)
Click on one choice
NO Partially YES
Our purpose / vision / mission / values reflect delivering value for all stakeholders.
  • Organization purpose:
  • Organization vision:
  • Organization mission:
  • Organization values:
  • CEO compensation is linked to the organization's performance on environmental and social issues.
    Equity-seeking populations are represented in senior management positions.
    Sustainability considerations are embedded in policies, practices, processes and systems.
    Sustainability-related risks and opportunities are included in strategic planning and scenario analysis.
    Our disclosures / public reports include environmental and social performance results.
    Our business model is resilient and agile, and acknowledges environmental and societal dependencies.
    Sustainability-related innovation is prioritized in our product and service design and delivery.
    Overall score